

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Fast Day One

its 5:36 am...gaaah
I am currently sipping on a diet pepsi max...feeling, bloated. Fuck
Will make myself a cup of the "fasting" tea in an hour or so..
also my goal before 9 am is to have done 100 situps.

7:30 am:
Came back from medical...
Doing some laundry and making a cup of Yogi Tea (fasting)
had two pieces of Extra gum...shit (fucked up already...)

9:54 pm:
Made it through today without eating..YAY! Feeling kinda weak though, and cheated and drank some Nyquil so stomach cramps wont keep me up.
Bought my self a 12-pack of sugar free Red Bull to stay motivated tommorow.

G'Night for now

1 comment:

  1. gum isnt so bad at least it only has a few calories. as long as you dont swallow the actual gum you wont get massive calories. I just found your blog today thanks for following mine :). Sucks about getting discharged though, im sorry to hear that, but with the military trying to shave down the number of people in there i imagine theyll use any excuse to get you out of there. Good luck with your fast :)


If only....

If only....
is it all a dream

Weight info

HW: 145 lbs
LW: 88 lbs
CW: 109
GW1: 110